○桜 - 桜こそねじれ、よじれの張本人だ、魚の燻製を作る時の燻炎材としては適するが、ひび割れ、裂けなどあるため木材には適さず 部分的にしか使われない。
Cherry blossoms-Cherry blossoms are twisted and twisted, and are suitable as flame retardant materials when making smoked fish, but they are not suitable for wood because they are cracked and cracked, but only partially used.
Since it is not suitable for charcoal, it has not been used for industrial use since ancient times.
場所により サクラの満開を過ぎた 八丈島は 陽が当たる所 そうでない所 風のあたり具合で 開花時期が大きく異なる 色は純白
Depending on the location, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Hachijojima is a place where the sun hits. A place where it is not. The flowering time varies greatly depending on the condition of the wind. The color is pure white.
Some of the photos above are cherry blossoms in mainland Japan, not pure Oshima cherry trees.The cherry blossoms on Hachijojima are pure white.
八丈島不動産物件情報: http://hachijyofrec.com/
Mount Fuji on Hachijo Island
白っぽく見えるのが 大島ザクラ 八丈富士上部の寒い所はまだ3分咲きだ
It looks like whitish cherry Oshima Sakura The cold part of Hachijo Fuji still blooms 30%
Hachijojima's Oshima cherry tree is characterized by its white color
元々大島桜は色が白いのが原種で 八丈島のものは 日本の本土と遠く離れた地理的条件により混ざりけの無い純粋無垢の白を保っている
Originally, Oshima cherry blossoms are white in color, while those in Hachijojima are kept pure and innocent white due to geographical conditions far from the mainland of Japan.
色々な桜をアップさせて頂きましたが 皆八丈島の物というわけではありません 白っぽいのが所謂大島桜 一般的に言う山桜でございます 赤みが差しているのがソメイヨノ系です 赤味に程度の差がありますが 薄い色は未だ山桜の遺伝子が残ってる と言う事になろうかと思います 八丈島のものは純白です
I uploaded a variety of cherry blossoms, but all of them were from Hachijojima I don't mean.
The so-called white cherry blossoms are the so-called Oshima Sakura.
Someiyosineo is reddish
I think that the pale color still has the wild cherry gene left.
The cherry blossoms on Hachijojima are pure white
以下はタブの木でございます この樹木は量的に八丈島では2番手と言いますか 非常に多いです
The following is the [Tab Tree]. Is this tree the second most in Hachijojima?
The ones we will cover here are the taboo trees that exist throughout Japan.
【タブの木】全国に広く分布する 近いところで 都内(浜松町駅近くの恩賜公園) 米軍施設の横浜の池子弾薬庫跡地等 大き目の大木がある
[Tab Tree] Widely distributed throughout the country, near Tokyo (Onshi Park near Hamamatsucho Station), Site of Ikego Ammunition Warehouse etc.
in Yokohama, a US military facility, and other large trees.
クスノキ科の常緑樹の高木で 暖地の海岸地方に生える 高さは大きい物で15mに達する 葉は長楕円形で質厚く光沢があり 枝先付近に多数互生する
An evergreen tree of the camphor family that grows in the coastal area of the warm region. The height is large and reaches 15 m. The leaves are oblong, thick and glossy, and many of them grow near the branches.
晩春 枝寿端から 円錐花序を出し黄緑色の小花を多数つける 材は枕木 家具などに用い 樹皮や葉の粉末は線香の結合剤に 樹皮はタンニンを含み黄褐色の染料にもする イヌグス ダマ ダモ クスダモ 等ある
In late spring, a lot of yellow-green florets are produced from the end of the branch. The material used for sleepers, furniture, etc. Bark and leaf powder is used as a binder of incense, and the bark contains tannin and is used as a tan dye.
一般的に 野山にあるものは 戦後、エネルギーの重要産業だった木炭を確保するため多くの木が切られ タブなども良質の木炭材である事から伐採された
In general, what is in Noyama is cut after the war because many trees are cut to secure charcoal, which was an important energy industry, and tabs are also cut from high quality charcoal.
全国広しと言えど 大木は山里を除きあまり見当たらない 山里には暴風林として また神を祭る木として 切られず残されている木が多い。
Although it is widespread throughout the country, large trees are rarely found except in the mountains. In the mountain village, there are a lot of trees that are not cut down to prevent damage from storms or as trees that believe in the forests and gods.
この木は 家の建材としては弱く 大工さんの扱う本格的な建設財としてはあまり利用されないが 昔の丸太小屋としては 皮をむくのが簡単で加工し易いところから用いられた事もあった
This wood is weak as a house building material and is not used very much as a full-scale construction property handled by carpenters, but as an old log cabin it was used because it was easy to peel and easy to process.
In addition, when there were few cedars and oak trees, Hachijojima was used as a box for packing vegetables and freesia bulbs.
もちろん八丈島の住民なら誰でも衆知の通り 皮は黄八丈の染料に使われる。
Of course, any resident of Hachijojima knows that skin is used as a dye for yellow Hachijo.
枯れて100年ほど経過し腐食した根は ビラン と言われ磨き上げられ工芸品(飾り物、置物、テーブルの天板)として今でも使われる。
The roots that have been withered for about 100 years and have been corroded are said to be bilan and are polished and still used as crafts (decorations, figurines, table tops).
思い入れが深く もう少し扱って行きます
There are many kinds of tub trees.I'll treat you a little more deeply.
After all, the wood of the tab has a very good taste as a material.
爺さんとは関係ありません 八丈島で椎木(シイの木)と言えば この木を指します。
Speaking of shii is Suda Shii in Hchijyojima
戦前 戦後を問わず、常緑で成長が早く 木炭、建材として格好のため 昔から産業に向く貴重な樹木として珍重されてきた、八丈三原は殆どこの木で埋め尽くされている。
Before and after the war, Hachijo Mihara, which has always been prized as a precious tree suitable for industry, is always filled with this tree because it is evergreen and grows fast and looks good as charcoal and building materials.
椎の木に付いて語っておりますが多くが八丈島の 物ではありません 日本中の銘木でございますのでごゆっくり鑑賞下さい
We talked about the vertebrate tree, but many are not from Hachijojima.
※写真引用 こちらの写真は日本中の銘木を集めたものです
This photo is a collection of famous trees from all over Japan
【椎の木】この木を語らずして 八丈島の過去は語れないだろう
[Vertebra tree] Without talking about this tree, the past of Hachijojima will not be told.
戦前乃至終戦後は家の立派さより まず産業(生活の糧を)ということで 切り倒され 切った株間から又 更に立派な新芽がふき 益々良い木が増える事から、自然破壊とは程遠い自然のリサイクルが行われていた。
Before the war or after the end of the war, from the splendor of the house, first from industry (food for life), from the stocks that have been cut down, and from splendid shoots, more and more good trees increase, so natural recycling far from natural destruction
欧米と違い 温暖湿潤な日本では樹木を切り倒し、幹は炭に小枝はそのまま燃料に、残った葉類は焼いて肥料にし 作物を作る。
Unlike Europe and America, in warm and humid Japan, trees are cut down, the trunk is charcoal, the twigs are used as fuel, and the remaining leaves are baked into fertilizer to produce crops.
この工程は 何処からでも肥料を持ち込む事のできる現代と違い 必要欠くべからざる作業だった。
This process was an indispensable work, unlike the present day where fertilizer can be brought in from anywhere.
野山と人間が 正に一体となり自然をはぐくみ続けてきた、それが古くから伝わってきた山里文化だ。
Noyama and human beings have united and continued to cultivate nature, and this is the mountain village culture that has been passed down since ancient times.
欧米では気候が違いこのようなリサイクルが営み辛い、よって多くの文明が滅び去り砂漠化してきたわけで、ここのところが 欧米と日本の大きく違う所だ。
In Europe and the United States, the climate is different and recycling is difficult, so many civilizations have been destroyed and desertified.
日本では山里文化こそ 自然保護であり そのコミニティの崩れかかった現代は 自然が崩壊し始め 山崩れ、保水力の低下から都市での水不足さえ起きる。
In Japan, Yamazato culture is nature conservation. In the present age when the community has collapsed, nature has begun to collapse. ※写真一部引用
八丈島の先人と密接な営みを繰り返したスダシイも 最近ではあまり切られる事も無く大木化している
Sudajii, who has worked closely with Hachijojima's predecessors, has recently become a large tree without being cut too much.
これらのものを再び活用し 八丈島の発展に繫げたいところです、やはりこの材の
I would like to make use of these things again and make a difference in the development of Hachijojima.
I want to understand the advantages and use them as building materials.
八丈島: 不動産事情事務局 ℡04996-2-1801
日本国中のもちの木と申しましても かような感じの物が数本あるだけのようです 八丈島にはもっと々凄い銘木が御座いますので追って掲載させて頂きます
It seems that there are only a few things that feel like a mochi tree all over Japan. There are more amazing trees on Hachijojima, so I will post them later.
○もちの木はとちらかと言えば成長も遅く材木にもさほど適しておりません しかし幹の肌が綺麗な為に庭に飾る園芸品種として古くから愛されております
Glutinous tree is slow to grow and not very suitable for timber, but it has long been loved as a cultivated variety to decorate the garden because the trunk skin is beautiful.
苗から仕立て上げるには年数がかかり 日本の庭園於いてあまり銘木に間見える事ができません 各地の銘木と言っても上記ファイルの数本です
It takes years to craft from seedlings. In Japanese gardens, you can't see much of the famous trees.
○山奥のもちの木は戦前戦中木炭として 或いは非常時の各家庭の薪として切り倒され銘木が悲惨な運命を辿った樹種でもあります
The wood in the back of the mountain is a tree species that has been cut down as charcoal during the prewar period or as a firewood for each family in an emergency, and the precious trees have gone through miserable fate
しかし暴風雨が吹きすさぶ八丈島に於いては防風林として歴史的に珍重されて 日本の銘木は もちの木部門に於いて八丈島以上の物は貧弱と申し上げても過言ではありません
However, in Hachijojima, where storms blow, it is historically prized as a windbreak forest.
フレックス八丈: 東京都八丈島八丈町大賀等 都知事(1)104459
℡04996-2-1801 携帯090-4389-7314
○八丈島の自然に付いて書いて参りましたが 八丈島の産物に触れて行きたいと思います
I wrote about the nature of Hachijojima, but I want to touch the products of Hachijojima
Hachijojima has a thriving gardening industry
下記写真はストレティア(原産地南米)路地栽培です エスニックな生け花に用いるようで
The picture below is Stretia (originating South America) alley cultivation, seems to be used for ethnic ikebana
こちらは自然木の中で育ったアシタバです 畑の様に管理下で育てて物では無く アシタバの種子が自然に落ちるにまかせ自生させて下ります これを『自然栽培』と言うのでしょうか? 良く解りません
This is an Ashitaba grown in a natural tree. It grows under the control of a field, not a product. It leaves the seeds of the Ashitaba to fall naturally, and is it called “Natural cultivation”?
『八丈島レモン』以前は『菊池レモン』とよばれて下りましたが 最近八丈島の特産にしたくて呼び名変更となったようです
Before “Hachijojima Lemon” it was called “Kikuchi Lemon”, but recently it was renamed because it wanted to be a special product of Hachijojima
八丈島民による源種の選定からここまで品種改良が行われたようですIt seems that breeding has been done so far from the selection of source species by Hachijojima people
"Phoenix" introduces Phoenix in Hachijojima
八丈島では観葉植物の花 葉を 生け花用 及び 花束用の切り花として出荷してます 花であり葉であれ 切り取った花や葉を 添え花 と呼んでます
In Hachijojima, the foliage plant is shipped as cut flowers for ikebana and bouquet.
八丈島不動産物件情報: フレックス八丈: 東京都八丈島八丈町大賀等 都知事(1)104459
℡04996-2-1801 携帯090-4389-7314
八丈島不動産物件情報: http://hachijyofrec.com/